Our Community Work

Making a real difference in the community.

As a construction company, we recognise the importance of delivering value for money throughout the whole of all of the works we complete, the areas we work in and the opportunities we create.

Our goal is to always exceed our client’s requirements and to also really make a real difference in the areas we work in, so that when we leave, we leave a positive impact.

Our Values

We seek to exceed industry best practice. ​

We will ensure value for money is employed in both design and construction phases by training our staff and promoting best practice to our clients and partners.

We believe compliance with legislation, regulation and other requirements is the minimum acceptable standard, we seek to exceed industry best practice and to innovate along the journey.

Our Social value action plan is at the heart of every project, aiming to improve the lives of people, support local economic growth, improve the environment and train our next generation.

Our latest projects…

Considerate Contractor

Central to our organisation, is our approach to how we work considerately and sensitively on our developments. As a ‘Considerate Constructor’ we are committed to building new, high-quality homes along with making a positive impact on the surrounding communities.  Our…
READ MORE Considerate Contractor

Buglawton Primary School

Congleton Background In close proximity to our Davenshaw Mill site on Tommy’s Lane, Buglawton Primary School, Buxton Old Road is situated just five minutes’ walk away and serves the surroundingcommunity. Buglawton Primary School is reasonably small with approximately 210 children…
READ MORE Buglawton Primary School