“Building Futures Today” is not only our company strap line, It is exactly what we have been doing, and what sustainability means to John Southworth’s. We have over the last 5 years focused on advancing construction techniques and achievements with a clear target to construct affordable, true Nett zero carbon homes whilst targeting our own business to operate at Nett Zero levels.

With that in mind, we are proud to announce that our Managing Director Steven Brown is a guest speaker at a webinar on 1 March at 1pm – ‘The Essentials for Healthy Homes’.

The webinar will discuss:

  • the importance of healthy homes in preventing sickness and reducing NHS strain
  • what are the key factors that housing developers – and social landlords – need to consider to create healthy homes?
  • examples of how social landlords are addressing indoor air quality, lighting and warmth to deliver healthy homes for their tenants
  • how smart technologies can support and enable the process – from mould sensors to CO2 monitors

Register to attend via the link below.

Here at John Southworth, we are committed to building healthy homes – led by Steven who is both passivehaus certified, and holds a Diploma in Construction Management Sustainability.

Find out more about our new builds and our focus on healthy homes for now and the future here.